Photography of the third journey

This time things were not going well in the Mountains. The loss of large areas had deminished the moral of both civilians and soldiers to a near collapse. There was to be a conference of all the officers in the area, where Ismael Khamis and Yusif Karra would have to face severe criticism. They might have to step down.

This development interested me more than the fate of the displaced people from Brham, but there was no telling when the conference would start. So I walked from Heiban to Ngaorban county and teamed up with Timo again, my guide on the second journey.

We made a tour of about ten days visiting several displaced communities. The misery and, above all, the anger of many people literally made me cry. It was shocking to see how the war had robbed them of everything, how they had lost hope and had become cynical. There were still kind people, there were still some wonderful moments, but something had been broken.

Back in Lueri the officers' conference was all but over. I just managed to photograph most of the attendants.

Women weeding


Man on his way to wedding party


Displaced from Tabanya

Remains of a fire

Displaced from Tabanya




Displaced man suffering from illnes


Displaced preparing roots for supper


Hut of displaced family

Displaced woman

Sabit, who carried my bag on the first trip

Barnabba and me

Displaced in Moro

Displaced boy

Displaced man

Displaced woman

Man who lost his leg to a landmine

Displaced man

Tailor at Kurci market

Blacksmith at work

Father of Timo, my guide

Grandfather of Timo treating himself for head ache

He put a potion of local herbs on his head

Timo wanted to remember him this way

Nuba officers at a conference in Lueri


Return later for more images!

The Nuba Mountains Homepage was made by Nanne op 't Ende.
You can contact me here.