Literature about the Nuba

Since the beginning of the 19th century the unique cultures of the Nuba tribes have been described by many outsiders. First by explorers and travellers, then by officials, researchers and scientists and of course by photographers and journalists.

Because the Nuba never saw themselves as Nuba, it wasn't befor the 1970's, when a larger group of young Nuba went to university, that they became aware of their common identity. Political struggle and civil war left little room for scholarly interests and thus so far a lot has been written about the Nuba, but very little by the Nuba.

Since the 2002 cease fire in the Nuba Mountains, many new publications have seen the light, I listed some of them.

chronological list of titles
Year Author Title
2007 Ende, N. op 't Proud to be Nuba
ISBN 978-90-78233-02-2. Code X, Tilburg
2006 Manger, Leif Ole Understanding the ethnic situation in the NubaMountains in the Sudan. How to handle processes of groups-making, meaning production and metaphorization in a situation of post-conflict reconstruction?
IUAES, the 1st International Colloquium of the Commission on Ethnic Relations (COER), Florence
2006 De Waal, Alex

Averting genocide in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan
Social Science Research Council

2006 Komey, Guma Kunda

Articulating autochthonous identities in claiming traditional land rights in the Sudan: an ethnographic case study from the Nuba Mountains after the CPA,
Workshop: After the Comprehensive Peace Agreement/CPA: Signs of Change? Bremen University, Bremen

2005 Komey, Guma Kunda

Regional disparity in national development of the Sudan and its impact on nation-building: with reference to the peripheral region of the Nuba Mountains
PhD Thesis, University of Khartoum, Khartoum

2004 El-Imam, Abdalla El-Tom, and Egemi, Omer

Addressing land questions in the NubaMountains: capitalizing on previous experiences
UNDP, Khartoum

2004 Komey, Guma Kunda

Dynamics of the marginalization process in Sudan: the Nuba Mountains case
In: Hassan A. Abdel Ati (ed.), The Sudan: challenges of peace and redressing marginalization (EDGE for consultancy & research, Khartoum), 54-87.

2004 SPLM

Governance workshop: Nuba land strategy
SPLM Land Office, Lwere-Kauda.

2003 Harragin, Simon

Nuba Mountains land and natural resources study, part 1 – land study
USAID in collaboration with the University of Missouri

2003 Manger, Leif Ole Perspectives on land tenure and related issues in the NubaMountains: a desk study for the NubaMountains Program Advancing Conflict Transformation (NMPACT)
UNDP, Khartoum
2001 De Wit, Paul V.

Legality and legitimacy: a study on access to land, pasture and water
FAO: IGAD Partner Working Group, Rome

2001 Rahhal, S.M. (ed.) The Right to be Nuba. The Story of a Sudanese People's struggle for Survival
ISBN 1-56902-137-6. The Red Sea Press, Inc., Asmara
1999 Suliman, Mohamed

The Nuba Mountains of Sudan: resource access, violent conflict, and identity
In: Daniel Buckles (ed.), Cultivating peace: conflict and collaboration in natural resource management (International Development Research Centre, Ottawa), 205-220.

1999 Suliman, Mohamed Land alienation and genocide in the Nuba Mountains
In: Cultural Survival Quarterly: world report on the rights of indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities 22, 4, 36-38.
Rodger, G. Village of the Nubas
ISBN 0-7148-3840-3. Phaidon Press Ltd., London
1998 Ibrahim, Hamid El-Bashir

Development failure and environmental collapse: Re-understanding the background to the present civil war in the Nuba Mountains, 1985-1998
IAAS and FES Symposium on perspectives on tribal conflicts in Sudan, University of Khartoum, Khartoum

Sonbol, A. (ed.) The Last Khedive of Egypt. Memoirs of Abbas Hilmi II
ISBN 0-86372-208-3. Garnet Publishing Ltd. Reading
Nyaba, P.A. The Politics of Libaration in South Sudan. An Insider's View.
ISBN 9970-02-102-8. Fountain Publishers, Kampala.
African Rights Facing Genocide: the Nuba of Sudan
ISBN 1-899-477-04-7. African Rights, London
Deng. F.M. War of Visions. Conflict of Identities in the Sudan.
ISBN 0-8157-1793-8. The Booking Institution, Washington, D.C.

Daly, M.W. and
Sikainga, A.A.(eds.)

Civil War in the Sudan.
ISBN 1-85043-515-4. British Academic Press, London.
Faris, J.C. Southeast Nuba Social Relations
Monographica 7, Alano Verlag, Edition Herodot, Aachen
1988 Ibrahim, Hamid El-Bashir Agricultural development policy, ethnicity and socio-political change in the NubaMountains, Sudan, PhD Thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Bauman, G. National Integration and Local Integrity. The Miri of the Nuba Mountains in the Sudan
ISBN 0-19-823401-5. Clarendon Press, Oxford
1987 Kramer, Fritz W.

The social organization of time amongthe Krongo of South Kordofan
Insitut für Ethnologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin

Dabitz, G. Geschichte der erforschung der Nuba-Berge.
ISBN 3-515-04444-2. Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, Stuttgart
Ibrahim, A.U.M.

The Dilemma of British Rule in the Nuba Mountains 1898 - 1947.
ISBN 0-086372-053-6. University of Khartoum.

Stevenson, R.C.

The Nuba People of Kordofan Province. An Ethnographic Survey.
Graduate College Publications, Monograph 7, University of Khartoum.

Husmann, R.

Transkulturation bei den Nuba. Ethnohistorischew Aspekte des kulturellen Wandels im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.

Thelwall, R. and
Schadeberg, T.C.

The Linguistic Settlement of the Nuba Mountains.
In: Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika; Sugia (Hamburg) 5: 219 - 231

1982 Haraldsson, Ingemar

Nomadism and agriculture in the Southern Kordofan Porvince of Sudan
Institutionen for ekonomi och statictik, Uppsala

Salih, K.O.

The British Adminiastration in the Nuba Mountains Region of Sudan, 1900-1956
Unpublished Ph.D.-Thesis. London

Mowafi, R. Slavery, Slave Trade and Abolition Attempts in Egypt and the Sudan 1820 - 1882.
ISBN 91-24-31349-1. University of Lund, Sweden.
Iten, O. Die Nuba (Sudan).
In: W. Raunig (ed.). Schwarz-Afrikaner. Lebensraum und Weltbild (Inssbruck und Frankfurt am Main): 95 - 109.
Dubois, E. and Dubois, P.

Soudan Pays des Nouba.
ISBN 2-88001-088-8. Edita S.A., Lausanne

Iten, O. Economic Pressure on Traditional Society. A case Study of Southeastern Nuba Economy in the Modern Sudan.
Bern - Frankfurt am Main - Las Vegas
Scolz, P. Die Konsequenzen der islamisierung in Kordofan. Bemerkungen und Beobachtungen zum Religiösen Wandel.
In: Africana Marburgensia (Marburg) 10, 1: 51 - 66.
Riefenstahl, L. Die Nuba von Kau.
Sontag, S.

Facinating Fascism.
In: The New York review of Books (New York) 22, 1: 23 - 30.

Toniolo, E. and Hill, R. (eds.) The Opening of the Nile Basin.
ISBN 0-903983-29-X. C. Hurst & Co. Ltd., London.
Riefenstahl, L. Die Nuba. Menschen wie von einem anderen Stern.
Roden, D. Down-Migration in the Moro Hills of Southern Kordofan
In: Sudan Notes and Records 53: 79 - 99.
Fais, J.C. Nuba Personal Art.
ISBN 0-7156-0594-1. Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., London.
Sweeney, R.C.H. Jebels by Moonlight.
Chatto & Windus Ltd., London.
Beshir, M.O. The Southern Sudan. Background to Conflict.
Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., New York.
Luz, O. and Luz, H. Proud Primitives, the Nuba People.
In: The National Geographic Magazine (Washington D.C.) 130, 5: 672 - 699
Stevenson, R.C.

The Nuba Peoples of Kordofan Province: an Ethnographic Survey.
Unpublished M.Sc.-Thesis. University of Khartoum.

Stevenson, R.C.

Linguistic research in the Nuba Mountains - II.
In: Sudan Notes and Records 45: 79 - 102.

Stevenson, R.C. Some Aspects of the Spread of Islam in the Nuba Mountains.
In: Sudan Notes and Records 44: 9 - 20.
Stevenson, R.C.

Linguistic research in the Nuba Mountains - I.
In: Sudan Notes and Records 43: 118 - 130.

The Republic of Sudan First Population Census of Sudan 1955/1956.
Final Report. Vol. I - III. Khartoum
Hassan, G. el. Land Use Problems in the Nuba Mountains.
In: Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of the Sudan - Surveying Conference 1960 - 12./13. Jan. 1961 (khartoum): 47 - 57.
Rodger, G. Le Village des Noubas.
Robert Delpire, Paris.
Henderson, K.D.D. The Making of the Modern Sudan. The Life and Letters of Sir Douglas Newbold.
Faber and Faber Ltd., London.
Strachan, R. With the Nuba Hillmen of Kordofan.
In: The National Geographic Magazine (Washington D.C.) 99, 2: 249 - 278.
Nadel, S.F. The Nuba. An Antropological Study of the Hill Tribes in Kordofan.
Oxford Universoty Press, London - New York - Toronto.
Stevenson, R.C. The Nyamang of the Nuba Mountains of Kordofan.
In: Sudan Notes and Records 23: 75 - 98.
Corkill, N.L.

The Kambala and Other Seasonal Festivals of the Kadugli and Miri Nuba.
In: Sudan Notes and Records 22: 205 - 219.

Bell, G.W. Nuba Agricultural Methods and Believes.
In: Sudan Notes and records 21: 237 - 249.
Seligman, C.G. and Seligman, B.Z. Pagan Tribes of the Nilotic Sudan.
Hawkesworth, D. The Nuba Proper of Southern Kordofan.
In: Sudan Notes and records 15: 159 - 199.
MacDiarmid, P.A. and
MacDiarmid, D.N.
The Languages of the Nuba Mountains.
In: Sudan Notes and records 14: 149 - 162.
Gillan, J.A.

Some Aspects of the Nuba Administration.
Sudan Government Memoranda No. 1. Khartoum.

Sagar, J.W. Notes on the History, Religion and Customs of the Nuba.
In: Sudan Notes and records 5: 137 - 156.
Yunis, N.E. Notes on the Baggara and Nuba of Western Kordofan.
In: Sudan Notes and records 5: 200 - 207.
Werner, F. Eine Reise durch das Gebiet der Nuba-Neger (Sudan).
Vorträge des Vereins zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kentnisse in Wien.
55. Jg., Heft 10, Wien.
MacMichael, H.A. The Tribes of Northern and Central Korodofan.
Frank Cass & C0. Ltd., London
Reinisch, L.

Die Sprachliche Stellung des Nuba.

Seligman, B.Z.

Note on the Language of the Nubas of Southern Kordofan.
In: Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen 1, 3: 167 - 188.

Seligman, C.G.

The Physical Characterrs of the Nuba of Kordofan.
In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Gr. Britain and Ireland 40: 505 - 524.

Anderson, R.G.G. Medical Practices and Superstitioons Amongst the People of Kordofan.
3rd. Report, Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories (London): 281 - 322 .
Henriot, L. Über die Sitten und religiösen Gebräuche der Nuba.
In: Jahresbericht (Köln) 30: 45 - 54.
Comboni, D. Quelques Mots sur l'Histoire Politique et Religieuse des Noubas.
In: Les Missions Catholiques (Lyon) 10: 15 - 16.
Bonomi, L. Relazione sul Gebel Nuba.
In: Annali 12: 28 - 41.
Carcereri, St.

LÉsplorazione del Gebel Nuba - El Obeid: 13 Novembre 1873.
In: Annali 8: 3 - 30.

Pallme, I. Beschreibung von Kordofan.
Stuttgart und Tübingen.
Pallme, I. Die Nubaneger.
In: Das ausland (Stuttgart und Tübingen) 15. Jg.: Nr. 140 und 141
Tutschek, K. Ueber die Galla, mit Rücksicht auf Tumale, Darfur und Dar Denka.
In: Gelehrte Anzeigen der k. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften (München) 12: 441 - 466
Russegger, J. Reisen in Europa, Asien und Afrika, unternommen in den Jahren 1835 bis 1841.
4 Bände und 1 Atlas. Stuttgart
Ritter, C. Über die Heimath einiger Negerknaben.
In: Monatsberichte über die Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 1: 21 - 23
Holroyd, A.T. Notes on a Journey to Kordofan, in 1837 - 37
In: The Journal of the Royal Geographic Society of London 9: 163 - 191
Rüppell, E. Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan und dem peträischen Arabien.
Frankfurt am Main.
Burckhardt, J.L. Travels in Nubia.
Browne, W.G. Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the year 1792 to 1798.
Bruce of Kinnaird, J. Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile in the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1772 and 1773.
5 volumes. Edinburgh and London.

The Nuba Mountains Homepage was made by Nanne op 't Ende.
You can contact me here.