Documents on the second war in the Nuba Mountains, since 2011

2014-10-00 The Sudan Revolutionary Front: Its Formation and Development (SAS)
2011-05-12 South Kordofan Elections Statement (SuGDE)

2011-05-18 The Carter Center Election Observation Mission, SK report (CC)

2011-08-00 Preliminary report HR violations in SK, 5 to 30 June 2011 (OHCHR)
2011-08-00 Disputed Votes, Deficient Observation, 2011 election in SK (RVI)

Documents on the cease fire, monitoring and peace agreement

2009-03-31: Losing hope: citizen perceptions of peace... in the three areas (NDI)
2009-01-23: Statement of the Peoples’ Forum in South Kordofan

2008-12-22: Meeting of the SPLM Leadership, final declaration, by SPLM SK
2008-10-24: South Kordofan: comments to the ICG report (N. op 't Ende)
2008-10-21: Sudan’s Southern Kordofan Problem: The Next Darfur? (ICG)
2008-08-00: The drift back to war: insecurity and militarization in the NM (SAS)
2008-07-15: The ICC Is Not the Security Council’s Plaything
2008-07-10: Sudanese Peace: To Attain Democracy or Autocracy Consolidation?
2008-06-08: The Road Map for [...] Implementation of Abyei Protocol
2008-05-24: Legal and Financial Violations in the SK State Development Bids

2007-12-10: The Abyei Protocol Demystified, by Douglas Johnson
2007-11-12: Outcome of the SPLM Nuba workshop in Kauda (in Arabic)
2007-10-11: Communique of the SPLM regarding pull-out from GONU
2007-09-20: Implementation of the CPA: Progress Report
2007-01-00: The three areas: a template for regional agreements

2006-08-00: Abyei Unresolved: threat to peace agreement, by D. Petterson
2006-07-06: Second Traditional Leaders Conference in Nuba Mountains
2006-06-29: SPLM releases 200 children in Nuba Mountains (UNICEF)
2006-04-30: Kordofan Alliance for Development: Antwerp Declaration

2005-07-22: First traditional leaders conference in Nuba Mountains
2005-07-14: Abyei Boundary Commission report (IGAD)
2005-05-15: Reconciliation and local unity in Southern Kordofan

2004-12-31: Final Ceasefire and Security Arrangements
2004-05-27: Remarks on the Signing of the Naivasha Protocols (US Gov.)
2004-05-26: Naivasha Protocol on SK/Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile
2004-05-25: Naivasha Agreement on Security Arrangements

2003-07-00: Nuba ceasefire experience suggests points to ponder
2003-02-03: Letters from the Nuba Mountains

2002-12-20: Summary Report of the first All Nuba Conference
2002-11-24: Kampala Declaration of Nuba Mounntains Civil Society Forum
2002-07-22: Machakos Protocol
2002-03-01: The Nuba Dilemma (Tony Kaff)
2002-01-19: Nuba Mountains Cease Fire Agreement

Documents on the assistance to South Kordofan

2008: UNDP Programme in South Kordofan for 2006-June 2009
2007: Nuba Water Project
2003: Nuba Mountains Programme Advancing Conflict Transformation (NMPACT)

Documents on the first war in the Nuba Mountains

2008: Now online: Facing Genocide, the Nuba of Sudan, by African Rights
2007: story of the founding of the SPLM/SPLA, by Arop Madut Arop
2006: Averting Genocide in the Nuba Mountains, by Alex de Waal
2002: The Trading Mechanisms of Disparate Exchange
2002: Resource access: a major cause of armed conflict
2002: Statement by Roger Winter
2001: 18 Years of Civil War in the Sudan
2001: Creating devastation and calling it Islam
2001: Urgent Statement 1
2001: Urgent Statement 2
2000: Message from Sudan
1999: Nuba Mountains Peace Agreament, by Gos and NM United SPLM/A
1999: Testimony of J. Millard Burr
1998: Quantifying Genocide (selection)
1998: The Spread of Famine in the Nuba Mountains
1996: The Nuba People: Confronting Cultural Liquidation
1995: Facing Genocide: The Nuba of Sudan
1993: The Crisis in the Nuba Mountains
1992: Caught in the crossfire

The Nuba Mountains Homepage was made by Nanne op 't Ende.
You can contact me here.