Citizens In SPLM-N Controlled Areas Decry Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation

May 27, 2013 (Sudan Radio Service)

Residents in Tabola area in Southern Kordofan State, currently under the control of the SPLM-N, have called on international humanitarian agencies to immediately intervene and assist them.

Mikhail Cornelius, a resident of Tabola area spoke to the Sudan Radio Service on Monday, and attributed the terrible humanitarian situation to the absence of relief organizations.

"Of course the situation is bad and the Sudan government has prohibited the organizations from accessing the area, so now the people are relying on themselves, and the living conditions are terrible."

He said that the IDPs are unable to access medical attention, urging the UN to resolve the situation.

At the meantime, a citizen from Timin Southern Kordofan who spoke to Sudan Radio Service on condition of anonymity stated that they ran out of food aid since November last year when government military planes bombarded and burnt down their farms.

"There is a deficiency in food stuff and medicines; there is no sorghum to rely on. And in the cold season one becomes very hungry," he said.

The United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU), and the Arab League failed to implement the tripartite mechanism on delivery of humanitarian aid to the war affected in SPLM-N controlled areas of Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states as proposed last year, because the movement and the Sudan government were not able to reach an agreement on how relief organizations could access these areas.


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