Interview: SAF to capture Kauda shortly- Maj. Gen. Abdul Ma’arouf
April 29, 2012 (SUNA)
Major General Kamal Abdul Ma’arouf placed himself in the limelight on April 20 when he led his mobile contingent into defeating the occupying army of South Sudan, SPLA, and recapturing Higlig town, in South Kordofan, by force of arms.
The Mobile Contingent Commander, following expulsion of the SPLA forces from Higlig area, confidently told this reporter that President Omar al-Bashir would shortly perform thanks-giving prayers in Kauda; the SPLA-strong hold which he said would be liberated by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) along with other parts of the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan.
“We are resolved to purge all parts of Sudan, particularly South Kordofan and the Blue Nile from any aggressive or rebel forces,” Ma’arouf vowed in an interview conducted on the borderline with South Sudan.
He said, as field commanders, they would distance themselves from negotiation and conclusions of military protocols, leaving those issues to the country’s political and military leaders, and would concentrate on their battleground duties of dealing with, and defeating the enemy, restoring security and stability and defending the national territories.
Conversation with the triumphant commander ran as follows:
Question: Could you brief us on the present security and military situation in Higlig area?
Commander: We reassure the Sudanese people who took to the street in support of SAF, other regular forces and mujahedeen and jubilant over the victory and crushing defeat of the South Sudan forces and elements of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and inflicting on them heavy losses in lives and equipment that Higlig and the surrounding areas up to the 1/1/1956 boundaries are now fully secure, more secure than ever before. We have drawn up military plans and strategies that enable us to defeat any aggressive forces.
Question: - Do you expect another SPLA assault?
Answer:-The forces of the South will not dare repeat a suicidal assault doomed to definite failure and defeat. Our forces are at present chasing and pursuing the enemy on the common border, around Kauda and small areas in the Nuba Mountains for purging the Sudan, and to report to SAF supreme Commander and to the Minister of Defense that the Sudan is free of the rebels and forces of treason and treachery.
Question:-Would you give us a picture of the public life in Higlig at present?
Answer: - Life is normal and Higlig Airport receives flights regularly, the engineers, technicians and workers of the oilfields are returning to work position and the people around Higlig are practicing their regular herding and farming. We have deterrent forces on the inlets and along the common borderline.
Question: - This is the situation in Higlig areas. We have learnt that you are responsible for the military operations in all parts of the State of South Kordofan. How does the situation in Kauda, Kalouge and Lake Abydh look like?
Answer: Sudan Armed Forces are holding the reins of the situation in all fronts of the fighting and the morale is high. The President Omar al Bashir shall shortly say prayers in those areas. The contingent for restoration of the right will set out to fulfill its duties in all theatres of the operations.
Question: - Are the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) forces playing an effective role fighting alongside the forces of South Sudan?
Answer: - JEM forces moved from inside South Sudan for attacking Higlig. We have arrested a senior JEM officer with a rank of Major General and have seized vehicles they used in the aborted aggression on Higlig.
Question: - What are the tasks of the mobile contingent you are commanding?
Answer: - Our basic duties are recapturing Higlig, repulsing the enemy and securing the borders with the State of South Sudan. The army is ready for orders by SAF Supreme Command to move into any area for purging it from the traitors and enemies of the country.
Question:-President Bashir has recently said that the Sudan, with its old boundaries, will not provide for both of the northern and southern powers- the National Congress ruling party in Sudan and the Sudan People Liberation Movement the ruling party in south Sudan- (NCP and SPLM). What are the combat capabilities that give advantage of SAF over the SPLA?
Answer: - The Sudanese army fights in high morale; it is a regular army possessing military academies with more than 50 years of experience. Whereas the SPLA is characterized by tribalism, lacks of combat doctrine and efficiency and is still in the stage a rebel force and cannot stand fast before SAF.
Question: - What is your strategy for the protection of the economic, oil, and developmental facilities on the border areas with the State of South Sudan?
Answer: - The State pays growing concern to installations of high economic importance and we in the armed forces do not tolerate any play with the resources of the Sudanese people.
Question: - What is the strategy that should be pursued in any future negotiation with South Sudan on the security issue?
Answer: - Negotiation and conclusion of military protocols are issues left to political and military leadership to decide on, but as for us: our task is to deal with and defeat the enemy on the battleground in addition to achieving security and stability and protecting the land and property.
Questtion: - What is the impact of visits by holders of constitutional positions and other senior officials to you on the warfront?
Answer: - The visits reflect solidarity between the people and the armed forces and this raises the morale of the troops of SAF, the Popular Defense Forces and the mujahedeen.
Question: - How do you assess the cohesion of the different SAF, Security, PDF and mujahedeen troops on the battlefield?
A: - All of those forces are under SAF command and they operate in close harmony and are all resoled to score victory over the enemies of the country, traitors and renegades.
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