South Sudan is committed to resolve pending issues in the CPA with Sudan politically and peacefully

November 18, 2011 (Sudan Radio Service)

South Sudan is committed to resolve pending issues in the CPA with Sudan politically and peacefully.

The SPLA spokesperson, Philip Aguer told SRS on Friday from Juba that the SPLA will only fight to protect its territory if attacked.

[Philip Aguer]:  “This enmity practices and the war tactics that Khartoum is doing, for what reason we don’t know, the unity between Khartoum and South is over. South Sudan is now independent since 9th July this year, the issues that remain unsolved have to resolved politically. There are mechanism to be followed to resolve the issues of border and oil. For us in SPLA our responsibility is to protect South Sudan border from 1956 as in the CPA.  And regarding what Khartoum is saying that SPLA in South is supporting war in South Kordofan, Blue Nile and Darfur it’s not true.”  

In response, the SAF spokesperson, Al-Sawarmi Khalid said that Sudan is committed to the terms of the CPA and is not supporting any rebels in South Sudan.

[Al Sawarmi Khalid] “First we are committed to the Naivasha agreement so that we can take positive steps to support security along the border. We are confirming that we don’t have any reason to support movements outside our border. And if there is anyone who is saying that SAF is supporting any movement let him prove it. Even George Athor himself confirmed that we don’t have any relationship with him and his forces.”

Khalid was speaking to SRS on Friday from Khartoum.


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