Human Rights Group: Sudan building bombing campaign

South Sudan
November 11, 2011 (Miraya FM)

The Enough Project, a Washington based Human Rights Grou, has said that satellite images show that Sudan’s Military is upgrading airbases in its southern State of Blue Nile to enhance its ability to carry out strikes along the border areas and in South Sudan.

The images were acquired from the Satellite Sentinel Project, a USbased organization which uses satellite imagery to monitor military activities in Sudan.

“If the build up and bombing campaign isn’t countered aggressively by the international community, it will likely plunge Sudan even more deeply into internal war, as well as ignite a full scale war with South Sudan, Enough Project Co-founder John Prendergast, said in a statement on Friday.

Omar Ismail, the project policy advisor described Khartoum’s action as provocative.

In another development, the UN Human Rights Spokesperson, Rupert Colville has said the Sudan’s airstrike in South Sudan could be treated as an “International crime”.

Meanwhile, the Sudan Armed Forces said on Friday that they have repelled militias by SPLA-North in Taludi town, in South Kordofan State.

SAF’s speokesperson, Al-Swarmi Khalid, told journalists that the militias backed by the South Sudanese soldiers, were repulsed on Thursday, five kilometers south of the town. He said that several rebels were injured.

He added that South Kordufan will soon be as he put it “rebel free”.


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