Absorption of 11 Thousand Families in Health Insurance in South Kordofan
Abdullah Abu al Bashar
17 March, 2011 (SUNA)
Health Insurance in cooperation with Zakat Chamber completed arrangements to absorb more than 11 thousand families in health insurance in South Kordofan within the program of social support aiming at absorbing 100 thousand families in health insurance allover the country.
Meeting with the joint delegation of Health Insurance and Zakat Chamber, Governor of South Kordofan Ahmad Haroun welcomed the project, clarifying that South Kordofan is in a severe need for such a project due to war associations affecting the state negatively.
He added that the state contains considerable number of disables, pointing out that citizens will benefit from the project positively as it will contribute to development of medical services.
Official in charge in health insurance, Dr. Bashir Al-Mahi confirmed that South Kordofan alongside with territorial states is key area targeted by insurance health. He said that registration of targeted families is scheduled to be concluded in the 15th of upcoming April.
Dr. Al-Mahi stated that executive committee of the project consists of representatives from Health Insurance, representatives from Zakat Chamber in addition to representatives from Health and Social Welfare ministries.
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