SPLM Presents Nominees For Gubernatorial And Parliamentary Elections In South Kordofan

14 March, 2011 (Sudan Radio Service)

The SPLM has presented it’s nominees for both gubernatorial and parliamentary elections in Southern Kordofan State on Saturday.

Elections in the region are scheduled for May 2011.

The SPLM spokesperson in Southern Kordofan State, Mohamadain Ibrahim Omar spoke to SRS from Kadugli on Saturday.

[Mohamadain Ibrahim]: “The S-P-L-M has submitted names of all its candidates for the legislative and executive elections in Southern Kordofan state, and submitted the candidature of Lieutenant-General Abdul-Aziz Adam Al-Hilu for the position of governorship in Southern Kordofan state. Also we have submitted the candidature of thirty-two members for geographical constituencies and eight candidates for party list and fourteen members for women list. The total number of SPLM candidates is fifty-five candidates for various positions. The total number of supporters for Abdul-Aziz Adam Al-Hilu the only SPLM candidate for the governorship is more than twelve thousand. They collected signatures and presented them to the election commission.”

The S-P-L-M chairman in Gezira State Anwar Mohamed Al-Hajj expressed his support for the candidature of Abdul Aziz Adam Al Hilu who is currently the deputy chairman of the SPLM Northern Sector.


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