Health Ministry, Insurance to Establish Joint Mechanism in S. Kordufan
by Haffiya Alyas
December 16, 2010
(Sudan Vision Daily)
Federal Health Minister Dr. Abdallah Tiyya Juma'ah has pledged to provide South Kordufan State with all medical requirements in terms of cadre, systems and equipments, calling for identification of urgent priorities for resolution of shortages and inefficiencies in the different localities of the state.
The minister met with at his office with the governor of the state, Ahmed Haroun and his accompanying delegation, as well as the Secretary General of the National Fund for Health Insurance, where they discussed the health position in the state, the urgent needs of specialized medical cadres, work aids, training, besides obstacles hindering work, particularly rehabilitation of rural hospitals and family medicine centers in the peripheries.
The meeting also discussed the contribution of the National Fund for Health Insurance regarding support to the various health programs of the state.
Haroun pledged to initiate posts of General Practitioners, underscoring his government commitment to effect the directives issued by the federal ministry of health for remedying the issue of specialized cadres. He pointed out to the state needs 48 medical staff, including physicians, anesthesia and lab technicians. He further called for the establishment of a joint mechanism between the ministry and the fund for following up implementation of meeting's outcome throughout the coming three months.
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