Accusations Directed to SPLM Involvement in Killing and Injury of 36 Missariya Nomads

May 21, 2009 (SMC)

It reportedly clashes renewed yesterday between Nuba and Missariya for completion on natural resources.

The clash erupted between the two parties at Fad area something 50 kilometers away east to Abu Janok of Lagawa locality in south Kordofan. As consequence 25 lives claimed and other 11 persons injured from Missariya tribe.

Eye witness told local press Missariya nomads went for grazing after heavy rain pouring but elements from Nuba tribe backed by SPLA attacked those nomads using heavy weapons.

MP from south Kordofan legislative council Hamid Al Samani told Al Ahdath daily newspaper Thursday May 21, 2009 the heavy armed groups on board of Land cruisers attacked nomads.

He said high ranking delegation headed yesterday to scene of events for negotiating with security authorities there and setup arrangements to containing the situation.


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